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Saturday, March 29, 2008

Where's Waldo?

Can you spot the turkey? (And no, that's not another nickname for Charlotte!)

6 months and sitting up

This is an exciting milestone... Charlotte is able to sit unassisted. She would still much prefer to stand and jump, but she will tolerated a seated position for a few minutes a day.

6 months and eating solids

Here are a few pictures of Charlotte's first real food meal. She was a good sport and tasted every spoonful, but she was not sure what to make of it. Her puzzled look in the last pic says it all.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Easter weekend

A few more pics from the weekend

Easter weekend

We had a very nice long weekend with family visiting and staying over. It's great to see all the cousins spending time together and getting along.
Charlotte got up early to see Fauve and Frédrik collect their Easter eggs - how exciting! She'll know what to do next year!
A few smiles for Pepére:
With Memére and uncle Fritz:
With cousins Frédrik, Fauve, Colombe and Cianne:

Fun in the tub

Ok, more fun for the parents. Charlotte is just confused and wondering why her folks are laughing so much. What a good sport!

Lots of snow

Here are a few pics taken after our big snow fall in mid-March. Charlotte (in her car seat) is there, looking very small next to the snow banks.


Brooke, Katelyn and their mom came over for a visit last week. The girls had a great time. Charlotte: 5mths 3 weeks, Brooke: 4 and 1/2, Katelyn: 4mths.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Happy St-Patty's day!

It's not green, but it is Irish. And yes... it's empty - daddy took care of that!

Playdate with Cameron

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Meeting Aidan

Charlotte (5mths) and Aidan (1.5 days) with their dads.
Congratulations Bill and Tanya, Aidan is a gorgeous little guy!

Standing tall

Lately, Charlotte's favorite game is STANDING. She is not interested in sitting up or crawling (even though I make her practice) she just wants to stand. Here she is standing while holding onto the coffee table/ottoman. She is able to do this by herself for up to 30 seconds. Don't worry, my non-camera-holding hand is just out of the frame and ready to catch her.

Happy baby (usually)

I just can't get enough of Charlotte's gummy smiles and squeeky giggles. Luckily, she is like this most of the time.
But every now and then, she does this:
She makes this face, arches her back, stiffens her legs, and grunts to let us know she is not happy.
"Get me out of here! Now!"